Sunday, January 27, 2008

Art Project 2

This is my homemade play dough sculpture. It is an exact replica of me, well close enough. I hope you all enjoy it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ephemeral Art, Ethereal Art, and Conceptual Art

Conceptual art-helps the artist express a concept, feeling, emotion, or thought. The artist can use so much expression in the art that it speaks to you and makes the viewer express a feeling of their own. Ephemeral art-the artist makes a statement through their art work and then changes it or completely disposes of the work all together. In this way the art becomes just a memory with no evidence that it was ever there.Ethereal art-the artist puts forth an espression of their faith or spirital beliefs. I believe this form of art is completely opinionated because there is no real truth behind it. It allows you to express yourself in such a unique way, noone else would have ever imagined what you were thinking.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Art Project 1

This is my first art project in 2D. The handprints are my 45 year old mom's in red, my 13 year old brother's in green, my 21 year old boyfriend's in blue, and lasty mine in purple/brown. This was an enjoyable and fun first project.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Response to Brian

I think analyzing, like you said, is very important in order to think critically. Since it is critical "thinking" it is just your opinion about some decision and I like how you point that out. I, personally, think that critical thinking is very difficult to do but the results from it can be so great.-Chasity Knittel

Critical Thinking

I think that critical thinking so taking somthing that you already know about and then expanding on it in every way possible. You have to approach the subject from several different stand-points and then figure out what are you learning from it now. Also, I think to correctly critically think you have to break something down into it's very simplest form and then analyze each part.-Chasity Knittel

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Response to Kylia-Discussion 1

I agree with you. I think that there is so much emotion found in every piece of art. It is a way for someone to express themseleves without saying nothing at all. And I think you are right that an artist has to enjoy what they are doing for it to be considered art.-Chasity Knittel

Fine Art defination

Art to me is anyway of expressing yourself through music, painting, poems, or sculptings. I think that there is so much emotion behind every piece of art. You can express anger, laughter, sadness, joy, or any other feeling through art. The meaning can be a hundred different things to a hundred different people but I feel that if art doen't bring out an emotion in you then it isn't art.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hi Anmarie Response-Discussion 1

My name is Chasity Knittel. I'm not very much into art either but maybe we can help each other out. I think it will be fun though to take something I know very little about. Please let me know if I can help you with anything. -Chasity K.

Introduction-Discussion 1

My name is Chasity Knittel and I am from Jackson. I'm majoring in Early Childhood Education and hopefully can be done in 2 1/2 years. I'm taking this online class so that I can still work during the day and do my classes when I have time. Nice meeting you all and I look forward to working with you!